Accora Village Blog

10 Things Students Do When the School Year Ends

10 Things Students Do When the School Year Ends

We’re already a third of the way through April – can you believe it? Neither can we. While April is just another average month for many people (although what‘s up with this very-not-average freezing Ottawa weather?), we know that for students, it brings exciting times and freedom not felt since last summer.

Now you have four months to do pretty much anything you want, so use the time wisely! But the most important time is now, so what are you going to do right when the school year ends? Here were the Accora Village family’s ten favourite summer past times during their schooling years:


Accora Students Travel


If you’re one of the many students out there reading the headline “Travel” and thinking “travelling, what am I, Captain Money Bags?” then don’t sweat it! We know it’s not in most students’ budget to take a five-star cruise to the Caribbean, so we’re thinking something more student-friendly. Why not take a road trip with some friends to Quebec City? How about heading to Montreal to take in one of the many summer music festivals? There’s plenty to do – get creative!


Accora Students Cottage

While this option may not be available to everyone, many people tend to know a friend or two who have a family cottage (or are lucky enough to have one themselves). If you’re one of these people, why not take the first weekend and make a cottage weekend out of it? Don’t know someone who has a cottage? There are plenty of cottages available for rent year-round for decent prices – but start your search soon – summer is definitely the busy season!

Apartment Hunting

Accora Students Apartments Cobalt

Are you preparing to leave residence? Maybe you’re moving out of your rents’ place, or are just looking for a new place in general. Either way, with the mass exodus of students moving back home for the summer, there’s no better time to go apartment hunting then now.

Here at Accora Village, we offer affordable, newly renovated apartments in a prime location for students. Easy access to Bayshore (including the Bayshore OC Transpo station), beautiful green space (like Andrew Haydon park), and plenty of amenities are just some of the many reasons to rent with Accora Village. Learn more about our growing community right here.

Move Back Home/Reunite With Your Pooch

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It’s not uncommon for students not local to Ottawa to move back home to their parents’ house when the school year is over (some of whom may be happier about this than others). If you’re a dog lover and happen to have a family dog, here’s a fun little list of reasons why this is the best part of summer:

  • You get to see your dog.
  • You get to pet your dog.
  • You get to walk your dog.
  • You get to hug your dog.
  • You get to play with your dog.
  • You get to cuddle with your dog.
  • Refer to #1 and repeat.

Staring at Your Student Debt (and Crying)

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One of our personal favourite past times! According to Statistics Canada, the average Canadian University graduate finishes school with more than $26,000 in student debt. So, if you’re like the majority of students in Canada, chances are you’ve got a hefty amount of money to back. But, all jokes aside, we definitely feel for you. All you can do is put your head down and keep on grinding!

Job Hunting

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This time of the year is a solid time to start job hunting, as employers everywhere are anticipating the influx of students coming back into the workforce. So, whether you’re looking for a more casual job or are looking to secure a more career-driven position, now is the time to start looking. Indeed and Glassdoor are a couple of our favourite online resources for job searchers.

Be a Camp Counsellor

Accora Students Camp

There really is no place better than an overnight summer camp. Roasting marshmallows, dips in the lake, and canoeing adventures could be just some of the things to look forward to if you were to be a camp counsellor during the summer. You’d also have the opportunity to develop useful skills to apply to your professional life like problem-solving, leadership, compromising, and more!

Take Summer Courses

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Maybe this isn’t the most attractive option for some students, but none can deny the usefulness of knocking out some of your courses in the summer (if your program allows for it). Plenty of programs will offer you the option to continue your schooling through the summer months, usually while only taking a few courses, so you will likely have the opportunity to work a solid job at the same time. This way, you could likely fast-track your graduation date, and you won’t have to adjust as much as you normally would come September!

Binge Watch all the Netflix You Missed During School

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With all the quality content Netflix has been cranking out lately, there are enough shows and movies to watch to take up your entire summer front to back (we aren’t joking). So, why not download the Skip the Dishes App, close the blinds, and get ready to not get off your couch until September? There’s something on Netflix for literally anyone – so happy browsing!

Contemplate the Meaning of Life

10 Things Students Do When the School Year Ends

Congratulations – you’ve made it. You’ve been through eight long months of exams, missed busses, all-nighters, group projects, and lectures that just could not quite keep you awake. If you’re as tired as we were when we finished up a long school year, then maybe the best thing for you to do right now is to go lie down outside, look up at the sky, and contemplate the meaning of life. Here are some possible questions for you to ask:

  • Why is the bus always late? Is it just me?
  • Why is the bus early only when I’m late?
  • How is it possible to get eight hours of sleep every night?
  • Does my economics professor understand the word “excitement?”
  • Does the dude in front of me know those hard boiled eggs smell awful?
  • Is he eating them out of spite?
  • How long have I been laying here?
  • Have I been talking out loud this whole time?

We at Accora Village would like to congratulate all of you students out there on another successful year in the books. School is tough, and life can be tougher, so we commend you for sticking with it and getting ‘er done! And remember, if you need a new place now or when you return to Ottawa, don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more about our beautiful, newly renovated properties here in Accora Village.