Save Energy

Conserve Water

Limit Waste

Garbage, Recycling & Composting
The Genvironment Program is a sustainability education program offered to children within Accora Village. The program teaches children ages 7-12 that sustainability is about developing a fairer, healthier, and greener world, and that every young person has a place in this movement. Accora Village has partnered with Genvironment to provide the educational workshops.
Within Accora Village, there are a variety of garbage, recycling and composting services.
All our apartment buildings have garbage, recycling, and composting services with the intention of bringing the green bin composting program to the other buildings in the near future
All townhomes, garden homes and executive garden homes have designated Earth Bins for garbage and recycling.
At Accora Village, we are constantly investigating new ways to reduce our carbon footprint. We monitor our waste output with the goal of identifying new ways to improve our green practices in all areas of the community.
It is surprising to learn how much water is consumed on a regular basis in the average household. So, our efforts in water conservation are one of the many steps we are taking towards building a more sustainable community.
We are deeply committed to providing a positive community-oriented lifestyle for our residents that includes environmentally conscious practices. Through our energy-saving initiatives, we are creating a sustainable present and future for our residents.