Price Range - slider
$0 — $3,500

Accora Village Amenities

Weight and Cardio

Weight room
The weight room is equipped with free weights, cable systems, stationary equipment and multipurpose benches.

Cardio room
The cardio room is equipped with treadmills, ellipticals, a recumbent bike, upright bikes and an APEX Stride Master.

Fitness studio
Our group fitness studio comes equipped with medicine balls, stability balls, a battle rope, free weights, a speed bike, steps and a multipurpose bench.

Fitness and wellness seminars
Check out our fitness and wellness seminars. When available you’ll enjoy learning the basics or advanced fitness and wellness principals.

Gymnasium sports programs
Enjoy a game of basketball, badminton, ball hockey and much more. Feel free to use our equipment or bring your own.

Group fitness classes
A variety of instructor-led classes offered each week including Aquafit, Group Strength Training, and Yoga.